Tattoos tribal sleeve
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Celtic Tattoos
Let Your Skin Tell Something About History Celtic Tattoos.
For Christians the cross is the original symbol for the love of God to mankind. But apart from that, many people believe that the cross represents the four elements, including fire, earth, water and air. These days, the crosses are used in fashion through the tattoo. And in between tattoos, Celtic tattoos cross are said to be the most popular designs. Whether you're a solid Christian or not, Celtic tattoos designs are great choices to express themselves.
Cross tattoos
Do you believe that the cross was first made by the circle? Believe it or not, the cross is one of the old symbols are made by children from different cultures. As years turned into decades and the decades turned into centuries, the symbol of the cross on to the era of Celtic and Germanic cultures fall in Europe. And like other symbols used from this period, the Celtic tattoos cross is now present in the modern era through the Celtic tattoos designs.
Basically, Celtic cross consists of a cross and circle. And for Christians, the Celtic cross tattoo symbolizes the cycle of death. If going by the Bible, Jesus died from the cross and after a few days, he rose from the dead. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was there again and again.
Celtic tattoos designs to choose from
Celtic tattoos designs consist of nodes work from beginning to end. In some cases, there are similar design puzzles and mazes. While on the other hand, the design consists of complex lines and curves. These include butterflies, flowers, thorns, wine and so on. There is also a design consisting of a beautiful spiral pattern and represent important things in life such as death, rebirth and death.
When it comes to color, the artist used black and gray to create a Celtic tattoos designs. However, the entry of other colors are also welcomed. To cross, gold and green are common colors used. And the tree of life to design, green and black are always combined. Although not all people have the ability to make a Celtic tattoos, there are free to get his design. Choosing a good artist is something that you should consider when planning a tattoo. In this way, you can ensure safe and clean tattoo. You must understand that tattoos are forever. By Joanne R. Graham
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Celtic Tattoo
Your choice of Celtic Tattoo Designs
It is true that Celtic tattoo design is very interesting tattoo designs for men and women. Over the years, many Celtic tattoo symbols has become trendy in the world of body art, and people are happy to realize that there are a variety of manners to use them to go with their personal preferences.
Among the best things about Celtic tattoo designs is the fact that they are available in a very simple yet sophisticated style. Some of your options include:
1. For one, there are Celtic knotwork is regarded as the most fundamental and this is the starting point of Celtic tattoo art. This knot can mean infinity.The way they would be fun intertwine in a continuous spiral can create a beautiful landscape that is very pleasant in the eyes. Celtic knot tattoo designs are very good even though they can only grounds other designs, such as the Celtic tattoo cross. On the other hand, can serve as Knotwork border amazing other types of tattoos.
2. Other popular Celtic tattoo designs are a cross. This can be used as cross commonly used among Christians even though they may have other meanings. The cross they are sometimes referred to as equal-armed cross which represents a balance between two opposing forces.
3. There are also designs that come in a spiral. One type is triskele derived from the British Isles about thousands of years ago. This is a very interesting tribe who worked as a design an amazing tattoo.
4. Choice between Celtic tattoo designs pictures of animals they can come in the form of birds, dragons, snakes, lions or other animals. In fact, every kind of animal can work well in the Celtic tattoo style tattoos. This kind of extra work primarily with the rich colors. By Tracey L Sanders
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Full Color Lower Back Female Tattoo For Girl With Butterfly Tattoo Designs Specially Full Colored Lower Back Butterfly Tattoos Pictures Art Body Image
symbol of feminine
Heart tattoo designs are one of the most popular choices of people all over the world. You can also attach several meanings and symbolism with this heart tattoo design. The heart tattoo designs used for showing different kind of symbolism such as religion, love and other type of beliefs.
The heart tattoo designs easily signify love or romance that matches with the feelings of heart perfectly. Some people also entwine tattoo by making a heart design with flowers or roses for the purpose of signifying deeper romance.
The heart tattoo designs look like inverted triangle and easily able to symbolize public triangle which is considered as universal symbol of feminine.
The heart tattoo designs are getting popular worldwide among the young generation. Teenagers love to create heart tattoo designs on special occasions such as Valentines Day as a token to their loved ones.
Angelina's tattoo
There are wide varieties available in terms of color at the time of creating heart tattoo designs apart from red color. Each color reflects different type of symbolism's in the form of heart tattoo. Some people also prefer to wear heart tattoo designs to symbolize the feeling of faith.
The image of the sacred heart is also very popular as heart tattoo designs along with creation of image such as Jesus Mary. The image of the Jesus Mary can be crowned or pierced with the use of thorns with a radiating light emanating from it. Emotional expression, romantic bonds, courage and friendship are the most popular form of expressions in heart design tattoos.
Lady Gaga tattoos
Celtic Heart Tattoo - symbolic of caring
The most common interpretation of the heart is that of love & romance, yet the heart has also been used in some rituals to strengthen relationships.
The Celtic heart
The Celtic heart is most common among females as it represents love that is so strong that they require to show it outwardly which itself is symbolic of caring. The heart could also signify the qualities of hard love or love of nature even though this type of love is not easy to express outwardly. Impersonal love is translated as affection for another, love for a country, aim or ideal. The Celtic heart symbol can represent either romantic love, friendship love or even impersonal love.
Symbolically the heart signifies love, charity, joy & compassion. The heart is an upside down triangle & is actually how it evolved. Upside down triangles signify the element of water which is symbolic if intuition, motion, emotion & transition.
The Celts used love knots for decoration & there is an countless range, yet perhaps the most widely known love knots are those used for ornamentation in Christian icons & manuscripts.
Love Knot Tattoos
Most commonly though, the Celtic heart tattoo represents the union of souls. Celtic hearts are also known as love knot tattoos which have become popular in Celtic tattoo design.
The Celtic love knot first appeared in about the 3rd century AD & can trace its origins back to the Roman Empire. The ancient Celts perfected their use of key patterns, spirals, & step patterns in their designs before the Christian era. After the acceptance of Christianity, these designs changed & were used to decorate lots of Christian manuscripts. These early Celtic interwoven cords were called plaits. Plait work came before knot work. There's one simple knots that can be found in these knot work patterns.
Love knot patterns
Lovers exchange rings formed in the designs of ancient Celtic love knots as a way of admitting their feelings to three another. These rings can take lots of forms from circles to squares & even intricately patterned serpents. The serpent love knot is a design taken from the ancient monks & stands for eternal life.
There's lots of other symbols represented in knot patterns that signify love. The three love knot for instance. As suggested this design comprises of three distinct circles that interlock on another. Each circle is meant to represent the three seasons. The lines surrounding the circles are meant to signify love.
A typical love knot however is demonstrated by three intertwining overhand knots. This is perhaps the simplest form of love knot. Ovals or spirals signify eternity of life. The oval knot is possibly the oldest & can be traced back lots of centuries.
Their also exists a triple circle which is meant to embody the one forces of earth. It also represents unity. This triple circle design can also be found in the Celtic round love knot which is formed in the shape of the sun. This design bears the addition of one interlocking circles that also depict nature's forces which are earth, water & fire.
Although circles were important to the Celts as they signified no beginning & no finish they also used other designs to symbolize love & unity. The square love for instance. Much the same as the circle this design depicts love & loyalty.
Celtic love knots are oftentimes difficult to translate perhaps their meanings should be looked for at a deeper level. The repeated crossings often depict the physical & the spiritual & these are shown in the interlacing of the knots. The strand that has no beginning & no ending represents permanent & continuing life, love & faith.
Symbolism of love knots
Celtic love knots consist of complete countless loops in which images of animals are commonly seen can be seen worked in the cords, or plaits, no loose finish is ever left on a strand unless it is going to be worked in to a spiral.
Lots of of the ancient Celtic knot designs consist of several closed paths woven together which can be seen as a metaphor for how life weaves together. It is these Celtic knot designs that are called love knots.
What makes this artwork so entirely fascinating is that it carries a secret language while lots of of the myths surround it carryover with them a message in truth. Keeping these ancient Celtic symbols alive today is only made possible by those who study the elderly traditions.
The Meaning Behind a Celtic Knot Tattoo
A Celtic knot tattoo is two of the most recognized body art. Its origins lay in the ancient history of the Celtic people and even if you are not affiliated with any clan, you may require to mark your body with such a notorious and stunning tattoo.
First Appearances
The Celtic knot tattoo made its first appearance circa 450 AD. Because the Celts were not ones to have a written record, the meaning behind a Celtic knot tattoo is vague. They have been a constant throughout history and plenty of have tried to conclude some basic significance regarding the design.
These tattoo's can be called an limitless knot or the mystical knot. This points to its meaning in a spiritual or esoteric sense as it can symbolize endings or beginnings. The tattoo is so appealing to us because it reminds us of our primeval self and our quest to understand the cycles of life in both the otherworldly realms and our physical self.
It is Not About the Mystical
Those that sport a this type of design tattoo don't always assign a spiritual meaning to it. It can also refer to a life cycle that is never interrupted. It can also be used as a magical charm to ward off setbacks, illness or anything else that can interfere with a happy and quiet life. Celtic knots are not found in body art, but in jewelry, home décor and clothing as well.
Historicallyin the past, when a person received a gift that was adorned with a Celtic knot, it meant that the gift giver was wishing the recipient a life of luck, longevity, and prosperity in any endeavor they may follow.
The Celtic Trinity Knot
The Celtic trinity knot is often called the Triquetra. From the Latin, Triquetra means two cornered and is two of the most common of the Celtic tattoos. There's plenty of interpretations when it comes to this ancient knot and not all agree on its true meaning.
The two thing all agree on is that it is based on a culmination of 3 parts. For Christians this often refers to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost or Spirit. For those with a more Wiccan or pagan persuasion it can stand for two of the powers of the feminine; the Maiden, the Crone and the Father. New age thinkers can assign it to mean spirit, body and mind.
All of these varied interpretations show us that the meaning of the Celtic knot tattoo is not something that is set solidly in stone. Without a written history, it leaves lots of room for personal interpretations.
If you are seeking to ink a Celtic knot tattoo on your body, there's plenty of meanings you may assign to this magical symbol for what is most important in your life and in your personal beliefs. No matter how you look at it, this tattoo is two that will be forever treasured and never regretted.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture Gallery
Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture 1
Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture 2
Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture 3
Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture 4
Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture 5
Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture 6
Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture 7
Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture 8
Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture 9
Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially The Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo Picture 10
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